Analysis of Disruptions in the Electronics Ecosystem
Summary of the European Alliance Against Coronavirus Daily Webinar on 3 June 2020
In the meeting on 3 rd June, the European Alliance against Coronavirus started the analysis of disruptions in the Electronics ecosystem.
Along the results of Minalogic’s survey, they looked at the pandemic´s impact on people, companies, research & development, commercial activities and finances, and collected suggestions on how to support companies. They propose to invest in the support of the cluster pillars: networking, innovation and business growth.
Looking at the analysis in depth clearly shows the importance of cross-border mobility within the EU and to other countries in the electronics sectors. For this reason, the European Commission has already regocnised the ecosystem as “essential” and developed guidelines for cross-border mobility, which now have to be implemented by the Member States. The recommendation to the EC is to develop fast lanes for the work force so that they can travel into and through the EU to provide services.
Talking about disruption, there is only partly a breakdown of the current supply chain for electronics components and all the relative subcontracting services. With adapting to the needed safety measures, many businesses could continue their work. The bottleneck is the manufacturing. In order to strengthen local supply chains, it is important to reduce the level of dependence on the global network.
A recording of the session is here available.
These are the complete minutes of the meeting:
20200603 ECA dailyminutes V1.pdfFind information on the previous meetings here; information on the upcoming agenda here.
Photo by Nicolas Thomas on Unsplash