Analysis of Disruptions in the Tourism Ecosystem

Submitted by Veronika Muller on 12 June 2020

Summary of the European Alliance Against Coronavirus Daily Webinar on 10 June 2020 

Which are the main disruptions in European Tourism Ecosystem? They have been deeply analysed in the meeting on 10 th June by the European Alliance Against Coronavirus. The group looked at the current collapse of tourism industry and the lack of trust of the customers and identified data analysis and sharing data availability as well as long-term sustainability as the next steps for the ecosystem.

A very interesting example of cooperation in the field of tourism was shared by Lapin Liitto, the Regional Council of Lapland. The Tourism of Tomorrow Lab is the project with the aim to transfer sustainability and competitiveness in tourism, encourage the use of data and business intelligence to make decisions, and to implement digitisation processes and the access to new technologies. The main goal of the project is to reach public security with the help of data bases and digitisation. It will be a potential and useful solution to provide easy access to data (even for SMEs), drive the digital transformation in SMEs, develop capacity building and empowerment, reduce the lack of capacity in using data, and stimulate the dialogue between users and producers. The project is currently in the development stage: Funding is needed to make the project sustainable.

A recording of the session is available here.  

These are the complete minutes of the meeting: 

20200610 ECA daily minutes_V2.pdf

This is a presentation of the Smart Specialisation Platform of Digitalisation and Safety for Tourism.

Digitalisation and Safety Platform_ToT Lab .pdf

Find information on the previous meetings here; information on the upcoming agenda here.  

Photo by Jo San Diego on Unsplash

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