European Alliance Against Coronavirus: joining competences for a quick recovery
To find solutions for the COVID-19 crisis, the European Clusters Alliance initiated the creation of a high level expert group which consists of clusters, universities, companies, and social economy stakeholders and counts with close links to the European Commission: the European Alliance Against Coronavirus (EAAC). This group of volunteers took up their work in the beginning of the coronavirus outbreak. In (up to date) 70 videoconferences joining over 500 experts, the alliance has discussed a wide range of COVID-related topics, including prototyping of respirators and 3D printing, public procurement, economic and social impacts, exit strategy, homologation, social economy, or ICT solutions. Its strength is the gathering of multi-level competences and knowledge – as its members offer their cross-sectoral contributions from all over Europe.
Now, with the countries turning their focus to the economic recovery, the group has shifted the topics of their daily meetings to the identification of disrupted value and supply chains in Europe´s economy. The European Clusters Alliance is currently working under a contract with the European Commission to report the detected disruptions and ideas on possible solutions for 14 ecosystems, which are specified in the European Commission´s recovery plan “Europe’s moment: Repair and Prepare for the Next Generation”. Thus, the group is collecting information on the situations in their ecosystems and is discussing possible actions which need to be taken for a quick recovery and to prepare the economy for a possible rebound. This analysis is directly shared with the European Commission.
EAAC is open to everyone: to industrial clusters, social economy actors, companies, and public authorities. Everybody is warmly invited to participate in the meetings to talk about the challenges they encounter in their ecosystems. Become part of the alliance and participate in the meetings!
Consult here the upcoming agenda of the daily webinars and review here the recordings of past sessions.
Antonio Novo
President European Clusters Alliance
antonio.novo [at] (antonio[dot]novo[at]clustersalliance[dot]eu)