IoT for new cross-sectoral value chains
Summary of the European Alliance Against Coronavirus Daily Webinar on 18 June 2020
With the contribution on Guillame Roux from cluster Pole SCS, the discussion focused on the IoT for new cross-sectoral value chains. The topic affects different sectors and ecosystems with the aim to improve digital transformation and the adoption of smart technologies within companies, especially SMEs.
Pole SCS is a competitiveness cluster dedicated to digital technologies. Created in 2005 in the South of France, it brings together an ecosystem of industrial players, large multi-national groups and SMEs. They work together to develop market products ad innovative services to generate growth and jobs in high value markets. The Pole SCS coordinates the European H2020 Iot4Industrty project, which enables the integration and the use of IoT in manufacturing tools, machines, and robots. The goal of the project is to connect and encourage collaboration between relevant innovation actors from industrial and IoT sector in order to modernise the production capabilities in SMEs and increase competitiveness of companies through more efficient, smart and agile production. This project created a partnership of 7 European clusters, involving 84 SM’s, 17 EU countries, and 29 industrial sectors. 40 projects are funded, 90% of the project are transnationals, and 95% are close to market.
During the discussion, it was argued that the main challenge of today for SMEs is the digitalization, especially from a standardisation point of view. There is a lack of common architectures and communication protocols, which would allow European companies to reach a stronger competitive position in the global markets.
A recording of the session is available here.
These are the complete minutes of the meeting:
20200618 ECA dailyminutes_V2.pdfFind information on the previous meetings here; information on the upcoming agenda here.
Photo by Thomas Jensen on Unsplash