New super-cluster organization model: France Water Team

Submitted by Tedora Aibu on 03 July 2020

Summary of the European Alliance Against Coronavirus Daily Webinar on 02 July 2020. 

The model of super-clusters is the topic of this morning session on 2 July. This term comes from the Canadian model, presented by Francis Bertrand from France Water Team, a competitive cluster dedicated to water management.

France Water Team (FWT), launched in September 2019, is a worldwide reference brand and network for water sector companies to improve their economic performances in a dynamic and growing international environment. It is the result of a partnership between three cluster: Dream, Aqua Valley and Hydreos. The legal nature of this association is a federation with founding members, affiliated members, and associated members.

FWT is a key actor to enable a French national network in order to help companies to: (i) identify potential partners and projects, (ii) set up collaboration on specific project, (iii) fund the relevant product and service for the product.

Talking about the partnerships in Europe, FWT support members on EU calls, develops European initiatives and forms a partner for projects such as INNOSUP. Francis Bertrand presented Water Smart Territories, a S3 thematic platform for industrial modernization with the aim to: (i) facilitate new investments based on open innovation infrastructure and new technologies for sustainable water management by clusters in regional ecosystems; (ii) ​support cross-sectoral collaboration in water and ICT sectors and highlight the most promising innovations.

The participants saw a lot of potential in this kind of super-cluster model and discussed about:

  • the possibilities to create a super-cluster involving the European countries in order to develop partnership and share knowledge
  • the legal framework of this new super-cluster
  • its strategic or pragmatical approach
  • the linkages with the local, national and European strategies
  • access to funding
  • creation of a new value chains.

A recording of the session is available here.  

These are the complete minutes of the meeting: 

20200702 ECA dailyminutes_v2.pdf

 This is the presentation from the meeting: 

FWT_as a whole.pdf

Find information on the previous meetings here; information on the upcoming agenda here.  

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