Overview of the EAAC activities and next steps
Summary of the European Alliance Against Coronavirus Daily Webinar on 27 July 2020.
This morning’s session, which opened the last week of meetings before the summer break, focused on the summary of the activities carried out by EACC in the last months and next steps.
Ilaria Massari, general manager of REI – Reindustria Innovazione, traced the activities and detections of disruptions back from February until up to, and the development of the daily minutes and weekly reports in order to evidence problems in regulation, coordination, and funding needs.
The process put in place has allowed to create a shared leadership deployed on four actions: (i) understanding the problems, (ii) thinking in needs, (iii)identifying solutions, and (iv) acting with a cross sectoral contribution from people all over EU. This process capitalized day by day produced a total of 130 sessions, minutes and registrations, and 11 weekly reports to the European Commission. The keywords of this process were continuity, tracking, listening, and interacting. Antonio Novo, President of ECA, stressed that reporting was the key to this process, allowing different points of view and actions to be shared, with the aim of continuing after the summer break.
Clusters have demonstrated the capacity to provide rapid answers and the inclination to develop a strong network, so recognizing clusters as partners could be of extreme benefit. The idea is to scope and scale in September 2020, to involve other EU institutions, and to develop a dialogue with national and regional authorities. The daily meetings will continue with an analysis of the 14 ecosystems and the recovery plans, involving European Commissioners, experts and collecting proposals to integrate them into the national recovery plans. A week will be dedicated to Smart Specialization Strategies.
Ulla Engelmann, from DG GROW, illustrated how for some years now they have been working on a European cooperation between and with Clusters. The idea is to foster a collective intelligence with the support of EC DG Grow and using ECCP in order to be stronger together. The work that has been done in the last months has highlighted even more how clusters are transversal and able to involve different ecosystems. Now it is time to reinforce European leadership through clusters and find a place in the national reform programs.
A recording of the session is available here.
These are the complete minutes of the meeting:
20200727 ECA dailyminutes_v2.pdfThese are the presentations from the meeting:
20200727 European Alliance Against Coronavirus - proposals.pdf Ilaria Massari_Recap_EAAC.rev02.pdf Ulla EngelmannEAAC 27-7final.ppt.pdfFind information on the previous meetings here; information on the upcoming agenda here.