Partnership of Industrial Modernization Platforms

Submitted by Veronika Muller on 26 June 2020

Summary of the European Alliance Against Coronavirus Daily Webinar on 24 June 2020 

This session looked at the development of partnerships and collaborations among different European industrial realities. Europe is very diversified. It boasts an innumerable series of industrial excellences and experiences in various sectors which throughout history have been specialized in specific geographical areas. Strengthening industrial partnerships is a key factor for obtaining a long-term competitive advantage within global markets for all Member States. Esteban Pelayo from EURADA (European Association of Development Agencies) opened the session with an outlook on the future economical and regional development in Europe. He underlined the role of the industrial modernization platforms to facilitate competitiveness and regional cooperation.  

Looking at particular collaborations across Europe, Ilkka Nykanen from Business Joensuu presented the thematic partnerships in the mining industry and global value chain. The project supports companies to grow, internationalize, and provides expertise to help to invest and relocate as partner of EURADA.

The third intervention of the session has been related to the European Network of Centres for Advanced Manufacturing (ENCAM), which is a project presented by Simona K. Vernon from Tecos. Tecos is a cluster established by the Slovenian government in 1994 for helping clients to optimised products and solve problems in production processes. Their network of laboratories help SMEs to adopt advanced manufacturing solutions focusing in Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), Augmented Reality (AR) and other smart and digital technologies.

Mikel Irujo from the Government of Navarra, Spain, defined subsequently the collaboration opportunities in social economy, which is a very important sector in European economy. It unifies the society, shares the European Union’s values, and is a good solution to increase and develop industrial partnerships. They created a Social Economy S3 Thematic Partnership to improve competitiveness, stimulate a better cooperation among the social economy enterprises and cross-border operations, create a European value chain, develop social economy clusters, and attract talent. The project is currently working on a European business school of social Economy (EBSSE) to train people, and establish partnerships with companies, cluster, regional and local authorities.

Finally, the Hydrogen Valleys S3P project was presented by Zoé Buyle-Bodin from Normandy Region. The project is a key lever to decarbonize the EU economy. The European local authorities play a key role in supporting its development. The partnership is still growing and they are setting up transversal working groups.

All projects presented are open for cooperation.

Concluding, different excellences or sectors for research and for industry should have the possibility to collaborate. However, the regions have very different infrastructures and resources in terms of availability and type. This represents a barrier to partnerships for obtaining a long-term strategic competitive advantage and developing a common vision. For this reason, it is fundamental to equalise the different capacities and resources located in different regions of Europe to boost industrial partnership.

A recording of the session is available here.  

These are the complete minutes of the meeting:   

20200624 ECA dailyminutes_V2.pdf

These are the presentations from the participants:

Presentation from the Government of Navara

Navarra - Mikel Irujo - S3 Social Economy_Partnership_EURADA.pdf

Presentation from the Hydrogen Valleys S3P - 

Hydrogen - Presentation EHV-S3P_EAAC_2020-0624.pdf

Find information on the previous meetings here; information on the upcoming agenda here.  

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