LEAD GREEN TRANSITION: Use clusters as drivers of change for the green transition
Digital, Green and Social Transition in the Ostrobothnia Region
Shaping the transition in Värmland's forest-based bio-economy
Malta Marittima
The Malta Marittima was established in 2016 as a Government of Malta agency to enhance the collaboration of industry and government stakeholders in order to promote the development of the marine and maritime industries in the Maltese Islands. As part of its work as a cluster, the organisation...
Mirai R&D Programme: "Low Carbon Society" Mission Area
The Mirai Program conducted by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) aims to promote high-risk but high-return research and development that leads to social and economic impact. For that purpose, this program helps develop proof-of-concept (POC), so that investors and industry may judge...
Be Circular Be Brussels
The project "Be Circular Be Brussels" ensures environmental protection as a source of economic opportunities and job creation for all the people living in Brussels. The Interreg-supported project aims at stimulating an economy that is low in carbon, prioritises repair, re-use and recycling and meets...
Platform for green transformation and bioeconomy in Lower Austria
In 2021 the new platform for green transformation and bioeconomy was imple-mented in Lower Austria. It is a perfect interface to the existing clusters and the technopoles Lower Austria. The platform has as well a hub function to all important players within this topic in Lower Austria. The platform...
This collaborative platforms aims at the Dutch green sector (agri, food, horticulture, raw materials and nature & living environment) and specifically the educational side of it to ultimately create a well-functioning labour market in the area. In GroenPact, industry, education and government are...
Hellenic Technology Clusters Initiative (HTCI)
The Hellenic Technology Clusters Initiative (HTCI), known as Corallia, is a group of technology clusters that have a significant role at national level, bringing together innovative concepts and companies of different shapes and sizes, academia, research laboratories. The Corallia Clusters...
ZEBx was founded by the City of Vancouver. It is a platform that strengthens the public and private capacities for zero emission buildings in Vancouver and British Columbia and uses a collaborative model unique to the building industry. The main beneficiaries are developers, industry associations...
Flanders Industry Innovation Moonshot
Flanders Industry Innovation Moonshot is an industrial innovation programme targeted at Flemish universities, research institutes and industries to develop breakthrough technologies for new climate-friendly processes and products. The Flemish government identified its cluster policy as a potential...