Green transition
Digital, Green and Social Transition in the Ostrobothnia Region
Shaping the transition in Värmland's forest-based bio-economy
Industrial Transition in the Cultural and Creative Industry Emilia-Romagna
Malta Marittima
The Malta Marittima was established in 2016 as a Government of Malta agency to enhance the collaboration of industry and government stakeholders in order to promote the development of the marine and maritime industries in the Maltese Islands. As part of its work as a cluster, the organisation...
Mirai R&D Programme: "Low Carbon Society" Mission Area
The Mirai Program conducted by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) aims to promote high-risk but high-return research and development that leads to social and economic impact. For that purpose, this program helps develop proof-of-concept (POC), so that investors and industry may judge...
Finnish Maritime Cluster
The Finnish Maritime Cluster is a project by the Finnish Shipowners’ Association, the Finnish Marine Industries, the Finnish Port Association, and the Finnish Port Operators Association. The FMC was a part of the OP Finland, European Maritime and Fisheries Fund in 2019 and is a development project...
Hydrogen industry clusters
In August 2021, the South Korean government announced that it would provide more than one billion US dollars to build a total of five hydrogen industry clusters and related infrastructure across the country. The South Korean Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy has formed the following five...
Norwegian Arena programme
The Arena programme is the first of three levels of the Norwegian Innovation Clusters programme. Launched in 2002, the programme is geared toward improving the innovation abilities of companies and industries alike by fostering and improving collaboration. With a focus on smaller and /or newly...
NCE - Norwegian Centres of Expertise
Norwegian Centres of Expertise (NCE) is the second of three levels of the Norwegian Innovation Clusters programme with a focus on clusters with the highest potential for regional economic development. Established in 2006, NCE is directed towards enhancing and facilitating established development...
Cross regional Bio Innovation Growth mega Cluster (BIG-Cluster)
Being established by three cluster organisations BE-Basic (the Netherlands), Catalisti (Belgium) and CLIB (Germany), the Bio Innovation Growth mega Cluster is a cross-border initiative of the "Smart Specialisation Initiative", aiming at the transformation of an industrial mega cluster of biobased...
Be Circular Be Brussels
The project "Be Circular Be Brussels" ensures environmental protection as a source of economic opportunities and job creation for all the people living in Brussels. The Interreg-supported project aims at stimulating an economy that is low in carbon, prioritises repair, re-use and recycling and meets...
Hydrogen Austria
On the joint initiative of the Federal Ministry for Digitalization and Business Location and the Province of Tyrol, Hydrogen Austria - the Austrian hydrogen cluster - bundles the forces in the fields of research, development, production and application. Under the leadership of the Standortagentur...