call for project
Community News
9 collaborative innovation projects submitted in the last call of the AEI
The Packaging Cluster has participated in the elaboration of 9 AEI project proposals, in the call for public funding granted by the Ministry of Industry for the improvement of the competitiveness of SMEs The call had a total budget of 54 million euros The 9 proposals amount to more than 2.1 million...
Community News
IFLEX promotes an innovative reprint service in Catalonia with the aim of boosting the circular economy
The recent tetrabrik Reprint Reprint project will allow the reuse of obsolete printed reels, reducing waste generated by production errors or other needs to update graphic information. The Girona-based company IFLEX has carried out modifications to the machinery in order to offer the reprint service...
Community News
The four projects that the Packaging Cluster presented in the line of aid to the AEI are approved
The sum of all of them will have a budget of €790,628, of which €454,607 will be included in the grant The Packaging Cluster is positioned as a key figure in collaborative innovation, being the second catalan cluster that has presented the most projects and the third that has moved the most amount...
Community News
8 million euros in the call of the Ministry of Industry to support SMEs in competitive improvement
On Friday, February 18, the new call for aid for collaborative innovation projects carried out by accredited AEIs was published in the BOE, with a total budget of 8 million euros The leading entities Clúster de l'Energia Eficient de Catalunya, INNOVACC Clúster català de la carn i la proteína...
Community News
Approved 7 of the 8 projects supported by the Packaging Cluster in the call of the Agència de Residus de Catalunya that stand up for the circular economy
The Agència de Residus de Catalunya has recently published the provisional resolution of the subsidies for the promotion of circular economy projects, where 7 of the 8 projects in which the Packaging Cluster has participated have been approved With 90% success, the entity stands as one of the...
Community News
The Next Generation Projects Office: the new Packaging Cluster service
The Packaging Cluster embarks on a new project to offer knowledge, information and examples of good practices, to its 111 companies and associated entities The Next Generation Projects Office will be the reference platform for updated information on financing packages, aid programs, project ideas...
Community News
Four proposals for the transformation of the companies of the Packaging Cluster on Digital Marketing, Startups, Neuromarketing or the Bcorp certification, in the last webinar organized by the entity
For this month of June, the publication of the line of aid aimed at the members of the Catalunya Clusters program of ACCIÓ, with 29 clusters from all over Catalonia, a program that was established with the purpose of supporting the transformation of the companies that make up these clusters. With...
Community News
Packaging Cluster promotes 5 strategic projects aimed at incorporating Industry 4.0 in small and medium-sized companies
The Packaging Cluster has presented 5 project proposals to the AEI in the call for aid from the Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo in 2021, established to improve the competitiveness of SMEs The proposals group an estimated budget of € 1,000,000, bringing together 5 relevant sectors and 20...
Community News
10 proposals for initiatives in support of Industry 4.0 in the workshop held by the Packaging Cluster for the call for grants to AEI
On March 11, the call for grants to Agrupaciones Empresariales Innovadoras of the Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo for 2021 was published In anticipation of this publication, the Packaging Cluster held a workshop with its associates to prepare proposals for pilot projects for the call. On...
Community News
Packaging Cluster boosts and presents 8 projects to promote the circular economy
A total of 21 entities and companies have participated directly in the preparation of the proposals, with a total budget of about half a million euros Last Friday, the deadline for submitting the 2020 call for the promotion of circular economy projects of the Agència de Residus de Catalunya closed...
EUREKA Calls for projects
The EUREKA network, a leading facilitator of innovation, promotes and supports market-oriented international R&D&I project generation. EUREKA projects have a ‘bottom-up’ nature meaning that the project consortium defines the technology to be developed and how the project comes together as a whole...