Cluster Excellence Management
Community News
EXXTRA ESCP-4x: DITECFER obtains its first ESCA Bronze Label
On its way to cluster excellence, the DITECFER Railway cluster obtained yesterday its first ESCA Bronze Label and a very interesting Benchmarking Report delivered by ESCA, describing in detail DITECFER's positioning against (a) the other raiway/mobility clusters in Europe, (b) the other clusters in...
Community News
Best Practices and key Learnings for world-class professional Clusters
The Partners of the EXXTRA ESCP-4X, on their way to Excellence, have gathered in this public deliverable the key learnings and best practices they have identified along the project implementation. The deliverable aims at providing other Cluster Managers in Europe with a short and concise overview of...
Cluster Excellence Management Course 2018
Cluster initiatives around the world have proven their ability to tackle the complex discipline of organising public, private, academia and civil society in strong platforms for job creation, SME support, R&D, business collaboration, exports and investment promotion. In collaboration with Oxford...
Call for proposals: EU COSME Project INNO-DROP
Deadline: Sunday, 26 February, 2017 Four European clusters, all consortium members of the INNO-DROP (Innovation and development in cluster excellence and cooperative partnerships) EU funded COSME project, seek submissions from suitably qualified training course providers for the provision of a...