Cluster initiatives
European expert group on clusters meeting: contributing to industrial policy
On 18 October 2019, 33 private and public sector experts of the European Commission's expert group on clusters met in Brussels. They had initial discussions on how to better use clusters as a strategic industrial policy tool. Slawomir Tokarski, Director for Innovation and Advanced Manufacturing at...
Cluster managers shared their experiences in making the cross-sectorial collaborations work
Clusters in Europe are increasingly becoming a very relevant and ubiquitous form of organizing the involvement of SMEs in internationalization and cross-sectorial activities helping to create new business opportunities across the different regions within the EU and beyond. It is, generally speaking...
Cluster Excellence Management Course 2018
Cluster initiatives around the world have proven their ability to tackle the complex discipline of organising public, private, academia and civil society in strong platforms for job creation, SME support, R&D, business collaboration, exports and investment promotion. In collaboration with Oxford...