cluster partnerships
Final CXC webinar on Best practices, lessons learnt and the next phase of ClusterXchange
ClusterXchange (CXC) is a pilot scheme launched in 2020 that fosters internationalisation, transnational collaboration and networking among cluster organisations, hosted a webinar on 9 November 2021 on lessons learnt, good practices and success stories from the virtual and physical exchanges that...
Community News
Servicing companies in the Big Science market
Welcome to the world of Big Science, an international market that is rapidly evolving and holds immense growth potential. It involves business partnerships between different sector entities and large-scale Big Science infrastructures. (Denmark), INEUSTAR (Spain), and LITEK™ (Lithuania)...
Euromed Clusters Forward Summit
Co-financed by the European Union, Euromed Clusters Forward advocates for better regulatory frameworks for clusters, provides them with financial and technical support, connects them internationally and leverages their potential to promote Mediterranean value chains. In this context, you are invited...
Blueprint for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills
Following the 2019 Seminar: Blueprint in the Spotlight, organised by DG EMPL in close cooperation with DGs GROW, MARE, REGIO and RTD as well as the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), where the nine on-going projects from 2017 and 2018 and the six new Blueprint projects...
Busy partnering event of 50 European cluster partnerships paves the way for future joint cluster initiatives
Over 100 representatives from cluster organisations across Europe met on 25 October 2018 to exchange experiences and explore linkages with other projects and initiatives. This event brought together all the European Cluster Partnerships supported under the European Commission’s COSME and Horizon...
Successful follow-up of the EU-IRAN Cluster Matchmaking event for the SMEs in our cluster
Vincent CIVITA is the ARIA NORMANDY Cluster Manager. In October 2016, he participated in the EU-IRAN Cluster Cooperation Matchmaking Event organised by the European Commission, Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, and coordinated by the European Cluster...
NATUREEF, Energy in Water and bioXclusters Plus are competing for the EU Cluster Partnership Award 2016
The European Cluster Collaboration Platform together with EASME and DG Growth of the European Commission have launched the “EU Cluster Partnership Award 2016: rewarding ESCP-4i Projects’ Communication Activities.” The EU Cluster Partnership Award provides an opportunity for ESCP-4i projects to...
My year as chairman of Silicon Europe Alliance
5 years ago, at the occasion of Semicon Europe in Dresden, we had a first gathering of a group of leading European semiconductor clusters. A new baby was born. Less than a year later, this cooperation was formalised in the European project “Silicon Europe”, aiming at creating a common vision and...
ECCP launches the EU Cluster Partnership Award 2016
The European Cluster Collaboration Platform together with EASME and DG Growth of the European Commission launch the “EU Cluster Partnership Award 2016: rewarding ESCP-4i Projects’ Communication Activities.” The EU Cluster Partnership Award provides an opportunity for ESCP-4i projects to showcase...
CLUSTERIX 2.0 – New Models of Innovation for Strategic Cluster Partnerships
Special EU Expert Workshop on “European Initiatives Fostering Strategic Cluster Partnerships and Emerging Industries” On 21 June 2016 the Interreg Europe project CLUSTERIX 2.0 – New Models of Innovation for Strategic Cluster Partnerships organized an open workshop aiming to get a better overview on...