Cluster Programmes


Report: Cluster programmes in Europe and beyond

How do European countries and regions support cluster activities? What are the main objectives, measures and target groups of cluster programmes? What do cluster policies in other parts of the world focus on? These and other questions are answered by the analyses of the European Observatory for...

Japan – preparatory briefing analysis report is available

The analysis report prepared by the European Cluster Collaboration Platform, the preparatory briefing on Japan, is available! This report is the result of the collection of relevant cluster information in the country, including business and sector trends, cluster policies and programmes, as well as...

Cluster Programmes in Europe, 2015

Cluster Programmes in Europe, 2015 The brand new report on Cluster Programmes in Europe was recently made public by the European Cluster Observatory. A great opportunity to look more in detail at 16 national and 5 regional cluster programmes that could participate in this pan-European benchmarking...