Compressed air
Best practices
Oil-less compressors and compressed air as a service
Compressed air plays a major part in many industries and almost 13 % of all the industry-related electricity consumption goes towards generating compressed air. Traditional compressors use oil and even the standard 'oil-free-dry-screw' compressor technology needs some oil for lubrication. Finnish...
Best practices
Precise adjustment of compressed air saves money
Step-by-step optimisation delivers immediate results Experts advised the company to gradually scale back air pressure The new optimised pressure saves € 2 700 per year The German company Fischer Surface Technologies GmbH is specialised in electroplating plastic components with, for example, layers...
Best practices
Optimising compressed air system
Smart tools solve two problems, save energy Installing sensors and smart valves in the compressed air system saves power and money The combined solutions save € 15 300 per year in energy costs The German company Edison Fatehpour Stanzerei develops solutions in the areas of stamping techniques, tool...
Best practices
Reusing heat from compressors in Germany
Don't waste that heat! Installing a heat-recovery system helps the company save on power and gas 66 000 kWh of energy and 57 tonnes of CO2 emissions savings per year The German company Wayand AG produces plastic components for the automotive, commercial vehicle, agricultural and construction...
Best practices
Fixing leaks in the compressed air system cuts costs
Air of confidence in efficiency monitoring Company decides to implement routine checks of compressed air system Savings in both energy and emissions prove the value of energy performance monitoring The German company AKRO-PLASTIC GmbH produces plastic compounds, which are processed into technical...
Best practices
Compressed air leak detection and repair
Listen carefully! Innovative tool detects compressed air leakage while maintaining production The investment reduces CO2 emissions by 1.6 tonnes and saves € 2 400 annually Merck is a French chemical and pharmaceuticals manufacturer. As part of its CO2 emissions-reduction programme (Edison Programme)...
Best practices
Optimisation was the key to saving energy at Manuplast
Timing is everything! Optimising heating process, repaired leaks and energy-efficient motors cut 41 tonnes of CO2 annually Annual saving of € 5 000 In 2007, Manuplast carried out a complete energy audit, including production facilities, air compressors and the water-cooling system, which highlighted...
Best practices
Heat recovery
Heat recovery can help to reduce overall energy consumption on-site while reducing total running costs in the bargain. Recovered heat can help you reduce energy consumption or provide useful heat for other purposes. In the food and beverage industry, for example, it is possible to recover heat from...
Best practices
Swedish manufacturer discovers quick energy-saving wins
Energy savings, no extra cost! Energy audit revealed simple, effective measures 10-12 % energy savings Plast Petter AB is a small Swedish manufacturer of plastic products mainly for use in offices. The products are cut, welded and glued together. The company uses energy from oil and electricity...
Best practices
Compressed-air system saves electricity in a German brewery
Very refreshing results! Compressed-air system cuts compressed air consumption by 16 % in three years 300 tonnes less CO2 emissions annually Net annual savings of 775 000 kWh electricity Brauerei Paderborner, a traditional Westphalian brewery in Paderborn, Germany investigated options to cut its...
Best practices
Energy efficiency of compressed-air equipment
Generating and supplying compressed air is a very energy-intensive activity. Improving the energy efficiency of compressed-air equipment by implementing concrete measures can save more than 30 % of the total energy used. The efficiency of such compressed air systems can be improved through simple...
Best practices
Better-performing refrigeration plant for German pharma
Make the most of what you have Better data can be used to boost system performance of current equipment The resulting optimisation can cut energy consumption by around 25 % Refrigeration and air-conditioning systems are a major energy cost for many companies, and significant contributor to carbon...