European Alliance Against Coronavirus: List of previous recordings
From March to July 2020, the European Cluster Alliance (ECA) hosted webinars on pertinent issues of clusters during the COVID-19 crisis. Below you can find summaries and videos of the webinars. To read more on the ECA webinars on The Role of Clusters in Accelerating the European Recovery (since...
European Cluster Alliance Against Coronavirus Webinars on Recovery and Resilience
Since March, ECA has hosted over 100 webinars to analyse the implications and help industrial cluster with the post-pandemic regeneration. After a one-month break, the European Cluster Alliance Against Coronavirus Initiative is returning with more interesting daily webinars (starting at 8.30am CET)...
The Lithuanian Cluster Network making national clusters visible in Europe
The aspiration to unite all clusters into a national organization in order to represent its members in Lithuania and abroad was achieved after signing the Agreement on the establishment of the Lithuanian Cluster Network. The network will be chaired by Giedrius Bagušinskas. Irmina Valytė was...
Webinars by the European Cluster Collaboration Platform: “The Covid-19 industrial cluster response: solutions for dealing with ecosystem supply chain disruptions” by the European Commission, featuring the European Cluster Alliance
Since the very first hours of the Covid-19 crisis, European industrial clusters have shown an extraordinary capacity to spot the needs, adapt and react to address this extraordinary challenge. Thanks to their collaboration, solutions were found to address supply chain disruptions. Also following a...
Fighting COVID-19: European Alliance Against Coronavirus
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis, a new network emerged across Europe to find solutions and share experiences. What started as an informal search for 3D printing capacities only some weeks ago has now turned into a high potential group of experts collaborating with the European Commission...
The new ECCP COVID-19 Response Forum brings together the industrial clusters community to connect, solve and save!
The European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP) set-up the COVID-19 Response Forum for the industrial clusters and their members as a virtual place to connect and share their needs, offers, questions, experiences and solutions related to the COVID-19 outbreak within the community. We encourage...
Covid19. A perspective from Lombardy
We share with you the presentation made today by Ilaria Massari, General Manager REI - Reindustria Innovazione during one of the daily meetings of the group “European Alliance Against Coronavirus” organized by the European Clusters Alliance. Find out more about the Covid19 situation in Lombardy...
European Clusters Alliance: Joining forces. Collaborate to answer to the crisis
The European Clusters Alliance shares the Spanish experience of a quadruple helix collaboration in facing the challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Fighting the coronavirus requires innovative ideas, quick responses and numerous helping hands. Therefore, people are working on multiple levels...
European Clusters Alliance elects its Board of Directors
Brussels, 4 March 2020. The European Clusters Alliance has chosen its Board of Directors. On 28 February 2020, its twelve members elected Antonio Novo Guerrero, chairman of the Spanish federation, as president. Hervé Floch, AFPC (Association Française des Pôles de Compétitivité), and...