EOCIC: The Second Progress Report on the European Strategic Cluster Partnerships

The second “ Progress Report on the European Strategic Cluster Partnerships”, prepared by the European Observatory for Clusters and Industrial Change (#EOCIC), is now available. This report aims to provide an overview of the results of the second assessment to the second generation of European...

Busy partnering event of 50 European cluster partnerships paves the way for future joint cluster initiatives

Over 100 representatives from cluster organisations across Europe met on 25 October 2018 to exchange experiences and explore linkages with other projects and initiatives. This event brought together all the European Cluster Partnerships supported under the European Commission’s COSME and Horizon...

The call for European Strategic Cluster Partneships for Smart Specialisation Investments (ESCP-S3) is now open!

Deadline for submitting applications: 8 March 2018, 17:00h Brussels time Topic identifier: COS-CLUSTPARTNS-2017-3-02 The overall objective of this call is to boost industrial competitiveness and investment in the EU via cross-regional cooperation and networking by supporting the establishment of...

The deadline for the Call for Expression of Interest for the European Strategic Cluster Partnerships for Smart Specialisation Investments is extended until 31 March 2017!

The European Commission's Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs invites cluster organisations, other business network organisations, technology centres and science parks interested to team up around specific industrial thematic areas, in the context of...

ECCP team attends FRANCE CLUSTERS annual General Assembly

ECCP team attends FRANCE CLUSTERS Annual General Assembly (AGM) to present the new ESCP-S3 Call for Interest and ECCP partnering Tool 27 MAY 2016 The ECCP team was asked to attend the France Clusters AGM on the 27th of May to present the ECCP Platform tools and especially the ESCP-S3 Call for...