European Alliance Against Coronavirus European Cluster Alliance


Call for project ideas in the Commissions seven flagship areas

In September, the European Commission set out strategic guidance for the implementation of the Recovery and Resilience Facility in its 2021 Annual Sustainable Growth Strategy (ASGS). The Facility will be key for Europe's post-COVID recovery and and instrument at the heart of NextGenerationEU. The...

European Cluster Alliance Against Coronavirus Webinars on Recovery and Resilience

Since March, ECA has hosted over 100 webinars to analyse the implications and help industrial cluster with the post-pandemic regeneration. After a one-month break, the European Cluster Alliance Against Coronavirus Initiative is returning with more interesting daily webinars (starting at 8.30am CET)...

Cybersecurity in times of COVID-19

Summary of the European Alliance Against Coronavirus Daily Webinar on 8 July 2020. Over the years, more and more criminal organizations have moved towards the web world because they are less exposed to checks and law enforcement. Speaker Eduardo Gistau from the Spanish company Mutua MAZ noted an...