good practices
Community News
Good practices from clusters fighting inequalities - The gender gap in the life sciences and healthcare sector: status, challenges and recommendations
In the life sciences and healthcare sector, there are inequalities in salaries and access to executive positions, despite being better than other industries. The report drafted by Biocat for the Catalan Ministry of Equality and Feminisms compiles and analyzes this data and proposes recommendations...
Community News
The AEI Tèxtils and the Packaging Cluster present a state of the art on good practices in sustainable packaging
The cluster of advanced textile materials in Catalonia, the AEI Tèxtils, together with the Packaging Cluster, have completed the first action of the TEXSOSPACK project, consisting of the development of a state of the art of good practices in sustainable packaging. The document prepared identifies...
Skills for Industry: Scaling-up Best practices and re-Focusing Programmes and Incentives
The publication, prepared by empirica GmbH on behalf of EASME under the service contract “High-Tech Skills for Europe – Scaling-up Best Practices and re-Focusing Funding Programmes and Incentives” (, analyses the funding models of education and training programmes...
CALL FOR PROPOSALS Encouraging community building around the issue of women entrepreneurship – Management and running of the WEgate platform
Deadline: 05/09/2019 17:00 h Brussels time The general objective of this call for proposals is t o enhance women entrepreneurship in Europe by facilitating networking and sharing good practices between actors such as intermediary stakeholders to improve the support effectively delivered to women...
Call for expressions of interest to become EIT Food Hubs in 2019-2020
Deadline: 14 January 2019 EIT Food is looking for 13 organisations that would assume the role of EIT Food Hubs in 13 countries, targeted by EIT Food’s Regional Innovation Scheme: Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and...
Catalan clusters boost new business opportunities with South Korea
The Packaging Cluster exposes good practices in international relations and projects Fifteen clusters from Catalonia and South Korea participated in the sixth edition of the International Intercluster Meeting with the aim of promoting synergies and strategic alliances between the clusters of the two...
Call For Proposals 2019 — EAC/A03/2018 — Erasmus+ Programme
This call for proposals is based on the Regulation (EU) No 1288/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2013 establishing ‘Erasmus+’: the Union Programme for education, training, youth and sport and repealing Decisions No 1719/2006/EC, No 1720/2006/EC and No 1298/2008/EC as...
Creating value together: towards business partnerships between social economy and traditional enterprises”
We are pleased to publish the invitation of the European Commission to this conference that will bring together private market players - both representatives of social economy enterprises and traditional enterprises - and policy-makers as well as representatives of networks and umbrella...
Clusters and Workforce Development Discussion Paper
We introduce to you this week a discussion paper published by the European Cluster Observatory (2014-2016) that aimed at initiating a debate on the current and future role of clusters and cluster organisations in connection with skills development with a special focus on emerging industries...
USA analysis report now available
The discussion paper on the USA is now available. This report is based upon and deepens the “USA preparatory briefing”. It provides information about current cooperation activities between European and American clusters, as well as the nature of collaboration between clusters and other types of...
Mexico analysis report available
Prepared by the European Cluster Collaboration Platform, the discussion paper on Mexico , is available! This report is the result of the collection of relevant cluster information in the country, including notably good practices and existing collaboration cases between European and Mexican clusters...
Canada analysis reports available
Two analysis reports prepared by the European Cluster Collaboration Platform, the preparatory briefings and discussion paper on Canada, are available! These reports are the result of the collection of relevant cluster information in the country, including business and sector trends, cluster policies...