Industrial research and development
Community News
Packaging Cluster promotes 5 strategic projects aimed at incorporating Industry 4.0 in small and medium-sized companies
The Packaging Cluster has presented 5 project proposals to the AEI in the call for aid from the Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo in 2021, established to improve the competitiveness of SMEs The proposals group an estimated budget of € 1,000,000, bringing together 5 relevant sectors and 20...
Research and Innovation performance and Horizon 2020 country participation
The Joint Research Centre Research and Innovation Observatory (RIO) is a new initiative of the European Commission to monitor and analyse research and innovation developments at Country and EU levels to support better policy making in Europe. It produces in collaboration with country based external...
The 22nd CORNET – Collective Research Networking - Call for Proposals
CORNET – Collective Research Networking has recently launched its 22 nd Call for Proposals welcoming international collective research projects that follow a bottom up approach in supporting SMEs in their efforts towards innovation. The call aims at making international collaborations possible for...