The revival of Algeria's industrialization through the creation of competitiveness clusters
This article, authored by Brahim Lakhlef and published in the El Watan newspaper, has the merit of informing a large audience about the new reconfiguration of the Algerian economic model, by putting into perspective the role of clusters. Their development implies a new form of governance based on...
The Packaging Cluster travels to Singapore to position itself internationally and close strategic alliances
The individual cluster agenda has made possible 4 meetings with technology centers and public administrations in Singapore. Packaging Cluster participated this week in the strategic mission to Singapore organized by the Generalitat de Catalunya, through ACCIÓ – the agency for the competitiveness of...
22 Catalan clusters participating in a Benchmark visit to Singapore organized by the Catalan Government. Towards world-class clusters
Last week, the Catalan clusters have had more than 100 meetings with clusters, companies, Singapore government representatives - such as the Singapore Ministry of Trade and industry, technology centers and economic agencies. The main goals of this strategic mission, organized by ACCIÓ, are getting...
ECCP participation in 'The inter-cluster approach: Innovation through knowledge sharing and collaboration' event
The ECCP recently participated, by video link, in an event hosted by the Canadian ECCP registered cluster AeroMontreal entitled “ The inter-cluster approach: Innovation through knowledge sharing and collaboration” on Friday, April 7, 2017, Montreal. The workshop was one of the many events organised...
France Clusters encourages cluster internationalisation
France Clusters shares the experience and good practices of the French clusters and encourages cluster internationalisation and international interclustering. Learn more about French success stories in the extensive press release developed by France Clusters and published in October 2016 (in French)...