Community News
FIRST ClusterXchange visits of the GreenTech 2.0 Project
Green Tech Clusters for Excellence 2.0 (GreenTech 2.0) empowers green tech clusters to support SMEs in exploiting growth opportunities, service innovation, resource-efficient solutions, market traction, finding investments, and internationalization. The project aims to act as an enabler and...
Cluster Manager Education Programme to boost knowledge and skills
This autumn cluster managers from the Baltic Sea region will gather to develop their competencies and gain new skills in a brand new international Cluster Manager Education Programme. Seven representatives from Lithuanian clusters are among the 26 selected. The Erasmus + project fills an obvious gap...
The Lithuanian Cluster Network making national clusters visible in Europe
The aspiration to unite all clusters into a national organization in order to represent its members in Lithuania and abroad was achieved after signing the Agreement on the establishment of the Lithuanian Cluster Network. The network will be chaired by Giedrius Bagušinskas. Irmina Valytė was...
The transformation during crisis reveals Lithuanian business’ capabilities
As a result of the quarantine announced in the wake of the COVID-19 epidemic, business restrictions, changing consumer habits and market demand, various industries have begun to adapt their production processes. Lithuanian industrial clusters placed big efforts to turn the challenges that came along...
Invitation To The Lithuanian Cluster Christmas Forum
The Lithuanian Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology together with the Lithuanian Innovation Center traditionally invites the clusters community to end the year 2019 with the CLUSTER CHRISTMAS FORUM! The event will be held on 10 December 2018 @ LITEXPO. The CLUSTER CHRISTMAS FORUM is a great...
Interview with Dr. Anna Sobczak: "Most Prominent Clusters Provide Individualized Support to Their SME’s"
The Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology (MITA), the main governmental institution, responsible for implementation of innovation policy in Lithuania, published an interview with Dr. Anna Sobczak, policy making expert for clusters and emerging industries with the European Commisison, keynote...
Lithuanian Clusters Network invites cluster experts to join the international Clusters Excellence Centre
Lithuanian Clusters Association is developing an international Cluster Excellence Centre which will accumulate human resources and experience of clusterization processes, based on various expertise, creativity and development potential. The Cluster Excellence Centre will cooperate with cluster...
Summary of the report “Lithuanian Clusterization 2017”
Lithuanian Clusters Association presents the report “Lithuanian Clusterization Study 2017”, prepared by the Research Institute for Changes (RICh), within the project "Promotion and development of Innovation Networking - InoLink" (project no 01.2.1.-LVPA-V-842-01- 0002). The aim of the study is to...