Community News
MetaIndustry4 Annual Report 2022-2023
Community News
Building Alliances, Opening Markets - Business matchmaking missions in New York City and Toronto
22-26 May, 2023 May marked a significant milestone in our internationalization journey as we successfully organized the inaugural business matchmaking mission of our Furniture Go International project, aimed supporting SMEs in expanding into third markets. The mission was driven by ambitious goals...
Community News
The second PackagingNET brings together professionals from the world of packaging to share experiences
The Packaging Cluster organises the PackagingNET, face-to-face sessions with exceptional guests with the aim of promoting networking and knowledge sharing between managers and entrepreneurs in the packaging sector On 17 May, the second meeting was held at the Hotel Qgat with the special invitation...
Community News
The CEEC Strategic Immersion brings together around 150 energy professionals to discuss the implications that the decarbonisation process has on the economy
The Catalan Energy Efficiency Cluster celebrated the 5th edition of the Strategic Immersion on April 27, a day to publicize and debate the latest trends in the energy sector. The event, held in Jalpí Castle (Arenys de Munt), brought together more than a hundred energy professionals who were able to...
Community News
The first PackagingNET is held between companies in the packaging industry
The PackagingNET are a meeting point organised by the Packaging Cluster with the aim of encouraging networking among its associate members and key agents The first meeting took place on 21 February, with more than 25 professionals from the sector The renowned Catalan businessman Enric Crous was the...
Community News
Packaging Cluster presents its agenda of activities 2023 and 6 technical courses
The organisation offers various specific training courses ranging from mastering Power BI, improving productivity, effective communication, agile leadership skills or sustainability applied to plastics or packaging design The Activity Plan will include more than 3 monthly sessions, with a hybrid and...
Pact for Skills to hold networking event for new and potential members
On 21 September, the Pact for Skills is organising its first networking event for new and potential Pact members. During the event, participants will have the opportunity to learn about the aims and objectives of the Pact, as well as the benefits of becoming a member. The event will feature...
Community News
PackAlliance’s team informs you that the December newsletter is available and you can find all the information regarding the PackAll Hub.
Support programme
SME Initiative Energy Transition and Climate Protection
Support for German SMEs to improve their energy efficiency while remaining competitive Savings in energy costs occur as investments pay off with a high internal rate of return and short payback period The SME Initiative Energy Transition and Climate Protection (Mittelstandsinitiative Energiewende...
Support programme
The Centre for Resource Efficiency in Sweden (CERISE)
The Centre for Resource Efficiency in Sweden (CERISE) involves companies, authorities and research institutes. The Centre’s objective is to contribute to industries’ efforts to increase resource efficiency (reduction in the use of resources and increased material efficiency); improved energy...
Support programme
Green Ideas for Tourism in Europe
Green Ideas for Tourism is a project that developed an educational tool in a field of sustainable tourism. The tool helps tourism stakeholders keep up to date with the latest developments in the circular economy, blue economy and other cradle-to-cradle, resource efficiency and environmental...
Support programme
European SME Week
The European SME Week is a pan-European campaign that aims to promote entrepreneurship in Europe. An initiative of the European Commission, it helps existing entrepreneurs find information on available support and tries to encourage more people to set up their own businesses. The main objectives of...