
Best practices

Fine-tuned energy management in French cannery

Better data... in the can Carbon Footprint analysis points to the need for better, comparable data feeding optimised metering and operations Measures lead to 36 % savings on steam production and reduced water consumption by 5.3 litres for each tonne of production The Russy Bémont plant processes 30...
Best practices

New evaporation and protein extraction system means savings

Converting a challenge into an opportunity... Regional support and advice triggers energy-saving initiative which helps to meet effluent regulations Measures introduced cut CO2 emissions by 1 275 tonnes a year while saving the plant € 150 000 per year Syral Haussimont, a subsidiary of the Tereos...
Best practices

Biomass boiler cuts CO2 emissions at French cheese factory dairy

A biomass bonus Cleaner biomass boiler and energy recovery equipment cuts annual CO2 emissions by 7 000 tonnes and energy bills by 40 % Installation creates a full-time job and supports local economy, as bonus spin-offs The Bongrain Gérard d' Illoud cheese dairy is the birthplace of the Soparind...
Best practices

Insulating steam network cuts fuel consumption

Just like that... 10% oil savings! Energy audit shows soft drinks-maker where gains can be made Even things like insulating steam networks can make a big difference SNEMBG manufactures and bottles soft drinks and distributes them in the French Antilles and continental France. The company is...
Best practices

Optimising heat recovery in fish-drying process saves money

The heat is on... too high! Energy audit reveals energy wastage in key fish-drying process Focusing on improvements along two workstations recovers € 67 700 per year in lost heat Copalis is a French fish-processing cooperative. Opened in 1960 in Boulogne-sur-mer, it has become a global supplier of...
Best practices

Optimised steam boiler to raise energy efficiency, Austria

Steaming ahead... Dairy producer tackles its inefficient steam and sterilising system on multiple fronts Measures result in energy savings of 1 372 000 kWh and € 62 500 in cost savings a year An Austrian dairy food-maker requires vast quantities of steam for heating, sterilisation and preparing its...
Best practices

Optimising steam-generation systems

Steam is in heavy demand in industries requiring heating processes, and it is typically an energy-intensive process to generate it. The ratio of steam energy costs to total energy costs ranges between 20 and 60 %. Optimising the steam-generation system and rationalising demand for steam can...
Best practices

Steam and water meters lead to energy savings

Steaming ahead with energy-saving measures Introduction of metering system led to yearly savings of around € 5 600 Reduction of CO2 emissions from 95kg/tonnes to 60 kg/tonnes Bonduelle is a French company founded in 1853 which specialises in the production of processed vegetables. Bonduelle's Russy...
Best practices

Clever energy-saving systems pay off in French factory

Taming an energy-intensive industrial process New hot-air reticulation system uses waste heat Reduced energy consumption by 20 % Saving € 39 000 from year one Kalizea is a semolina factory in France specialised in grinding and processing corn into food products. Its industrial process requires a lot...
Best practices

Energy savings based on pinch analysis at a fine chemicals producer

Pinch analysis spotlights energy-saving potential Connecting hot water circuits for internal and external saves around 35 000 MWh pa Using waste heat from upstream plants saves around ~241 000 MWh pa Wacker Chemie is an innovative global company with its origins in Germany, which produces silicone...
Best practices

Energy savings based on pinch analysis at a pharmaceutical company

A princh of this and a good measure of that... Pinch analysis reveals where energy inefficiencies were costing the company One measure introduced cut steam use by 30 kW Up to 20 % energy savings were reached thanks to all measures implemented Pharmaceuticals are typically produced in recorded...
Best practices

Flash-steam heat recovery

Flash steam released from hot condensate can be recovered and applied elsewhere in the plant to maximise overall efficiency. Recovery systems reduce steam-raising costs, utility bills and CO2 emissions, and help achieve significant savings in fuel, water and feed-water chemicals. The return on...