Steam heating
Best practices
Biomass boiler cuts CO2 emissions at French cheese factory dairy
A biomass bonus Cleaner biomass boiler and energy recovery equipment cuts annual CO2 emissions by 7 000 tonnes and energy bills by 40 % Installation creates a full-time job and supports local economy, as bonus spin-offs The Bongrain Gérard d' Illoud cheese dairy is the birthplace of the Soparind...
Best practices
Optimising heat recovery in fish-drying process saves money
The heat is on... too high! Energy audit reveals energy wastage in key fish-drying process Focusing on improvements along two workstations recovers € 67 700 per year in lost heat Copalis is a French fish-processing cooperative. Opened in 1960 in Boulogne-sur-mer, it has become a global supplier of...
Best practices
Automatic control of steam-heated distillation plants
All steamed up Food company investigates ways to optimise its steam production plant Discovers a feed-forward system can iron out steam production fluctuation Steam is a major component in most food manufacturing. One producer uses steam-heated distillation columns, for example, as part of its...
Best practices
Optimising steam-generation systems
Steam is in heavy demand in industries requiring heating processes, and it is typically an energy-intensive process to generate it. The ratio of steam energy costs to total energy costs ranges between 20 and 60 %. Optimising the steam-generation system and rationalising demand for steam can...
Best practices
Steam and water meters lead to energy savings
Steaming ahead with energy-saving measures Introduction of metering system led to yearly savings of around € 5 600 Reduction of CO2 emissions from 95kg/tonnes to 60 kg/tonnes Bonduelle is a French company founded in 1853 which specialises in the production of processed vegetables. Bonduelle's Russy...
Best practices
Clever energy-saving systems pay off in French factory
Taming an energy-intensive industrial process New hot-air reticulation system uses waste heat Reduced energy consumption by 20 % Saving € 39 000 from year one Kalizea is a semolina factory in France specialised in grinding and processing corn into food products. Its industrial process requires a lot...
Best practices
Integration of solar energy in the company heat generation
Most industry-grade process heating systems are based on steam or hot water from boilers that today mainly burn fossil fuels like oil, gas and coal, or electricity generated by different sources. Solar process heating systems can supply up to 20-30 % of the heating demands of an average plant. This...
Best practices
US surfactant-maker
Look below the surface for savings Operating costs can be reduced in obvious and less obvious ways The key is to know where to look A US company producing surfactant was looking at ways to reduce its operating costs. It decided to map energy consumption during production process, to identify any...
Best practices
Better heating system for storing liquids
Long overdue upgrade yields huge savings Upgrading the 30-year-old liquid storage heating system saves nearly € 70 000 in energy costs annually The significant € 335 000 investment could be recuperated in under 5 years Rubber manufacturer from the Czech Republic implemented an energy-saving project...