strategic mission

Community News

17 Catalan clusters travel to Boston to seek alliances and strategic opportunities

This is Strategic Cluster Week, an initiative organized by ACCIÓ through the Catalonia Clusters program 17 Catalan clusters have traveled to Boston this week with the aim of exploring strategic opportunities within their sectors, fostering international networking and learning about how clusters...
Community News

We analyze the keys to consolidate the business strategy through the different scenarios to promote the Catalan packaging industry

The Catalan companies Rieusset and Industrial Bolsera explained during the conference on February 10 their more than 100 years of experience, full of transformations, evolution, entrepreneurship and strategic vision Albert Campi discovered to virtual assistants how to study business strategy based...

22 Catalan clusters participating in a Benchmark visit to Singapore organized by the Catalan Government. Towards world-class clusters

Last week, the Catalan clusters have had more than 100 meetings with clusters, companies, Singapore government representatives - such as the Singapore Ministry of Trade and industry, technology centers and economic agencies. The main goals of this strategic mission, organized by ACCIÓ, are getting...