technology transfer


Protecting your IP while Transferring Technology to China

While in the past, European companies came to China to take advantage of low-cost manufacturing for export, more recently, they have come to enter the Chinese domestic market, establish R&D, engage in cooperative development, take advantage of a skilled work force, establish suppliers, and develop...

INNOWWIDE: Call for experts for Viability Assessment Projects in international markets

The INNOWWIDE consortium is launching a call for experts with relevant expertise in areas such as technology and innovation transfer, market research, internationalization and accessing new markets. The evaluation process will start in early June 2019 with a total duration of 7 weeks. First stage...

TETRAMAX: open calls for bilateral and value chain technology transfer experiments (TTX)

TETRAMAX is a Horizon 2020 innovation action within the European Smart Anything Everywhere (SAE) initiative in the domain of customized and low-energy computing for Cyber Physical Systems and the Internet of Things. As a Digital Innovation Hub, TETRAMAX aims to bring added value to European industry...

TETRAMAX opened the first call ​for Entrepreneurial Technology Transfer Experiments!

Open: 31 August 2018 Deadline 30 November 2018 The overall goal of an Entrepreneurial Technology Transfer Experiment (TTX) is to mobilize, challenge and train small teams of potential entrepreneurs in the Customized Low-Energy Computing (CLEC) space from a long-term perspective. ·The focus is on a...

Try ACTTiVAte's Cluster Collaboration Tool and place your technology offer/request

The Cluster Collaboration Tool supports collaboration between technology providers in a particular sector and technology recipients in another sector (aerospace, agri-food, health and ICT). In this tool companies can provide a technology offer and a technology request. This technology offer or...