Italian and Tunisian maritime clusters boost collaboration via strategic agreement
A strategic agreement between Italian and Tunisian maritime clusters represents the official gateway to boost the blue economy in the Mediterranean. Maritime clusters are pivotal in implementing the collective Blue Growth agenda in the Western Mediterranean. In this context, the Italian co...
Make-IT in Africa Initiative: Impact Report 2017-2019
MAKE-IT In Africa is an initiative launched in 2016 by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) in Germany, together with the private sector, as part of BMZ’s Digital Africa Initiative.The Make-IT Alliance connects the experience and practical knowledge of successful...
MAD for MED! MESAP flights in Tunisia
MESAP takes part to the 2nd edition of the TechDays, EU & MENA Innovators Matchmaking Event organised by THE NEXT SOCIETY in Tunis, including clusters, researchers, SMEs, industry experts and policy makers to encourage collaboration between these actors of the two shores of the Mediterranean through...
Search for cluster experts for training on best practices in transportation & logistics (in Tunisia)
In the framework of an on-going EU-funded Programme to support the development of services sectors in Tunisia, the EBRD ( http://www.ebrd.com) is carrying out a number of best practices dissemination & training initiatives, aiming at opening perspectives, improving skills and populating a pipeline...
Launch of the Euromed Trade Helpdesk
The International Trade Centre (ITC), together with the European Commission (DG Trade) have recently launched the EuroMed Trade Helpdesk: http://euromed.macmap.org/. The press release on the European Commission’s website can be found here: http://trade.ec.europa.eu/doclib/press/index.cfm?id=1679. By...