Visegrad Group


The role of innovative regional clusters in the development of tourism. Gudauri (Georgia) 5-6 March 2020

On behalf of the Polish Clusters Association, co-organizing the event, you are invited to participate to the conference entitled ' The role of innovative regional clusters in the development of tourism', that will be held on 5-6 March 2020 in Gudauri, Georgia. The Visegrad Group countries have been...

Clusters in the Visegrád Group Conference "Challenges of the Future"

The Polish Clusters Employers' Association is organizing the Meeting for clusters representatives from the Visegrad Group countries in terms of a project Clusters in the Visegrad Group - Challenges of the Future in Brenna and Czechowice Dziedzice, on November 23rd-24th 2017. During this first...

Cluster Conference: Cluster policy and clusters’ cooperation of V4+4 countries

Organized by Ministry of Economic Development Poland 30 June 2017, Warsaw, Plac Trzech Krzyży 3/5, Poland We invite policy makers from V4+4 countries and clusters, entrepreneurs, associations and organizations related to cluster policy. It will be a great opportunity to discuss the differences of...