European Alliance Against Coronavirus morning sessions 2021
The European Alliance Against Coronavirus is now meeting once a week every Wednesday from 8:30 – 9:30 (CET). EAAC is an open exchange group which consists of clusters, associations, institutions, universities, companies, social economy stakeholders and other entities, and counts with close...
European Alliance Against Coronavirus: EU initiatives and priorities in 2021
Summary of the European Alliance Against Coronavirus weekly webinars (every Tuesday and Thursday) - 2 February 2021 In the European Alliance Against Coronavirus’s (EAAC) meeting on 2 February, Ulla Engelmann and Marek Przeor from the European Commission’s DG GROW updated the group on the current...
Your input matters - tell us what you want from our webinars!
At the European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP), we want to help clusters in developing new skills and building capacity. Over the course of this year, we organised four capacity-building webinars with inspiring speakers and on the burning issues for the cluster community, such as cluster...