Energy management
Support programme
Responsible fit-out toolkit for offices
The Better Building Partnership, which is a private initiative of British commercial property owners, has released a new office fit-out toolkit for owners and occupiers. The toolkit provides a structured process to retrofit interior fittings, incorporating sustainability and wellbeing principles. It...
Best practices
Engaging shopping mall staff about the environment
Growing greener... an original Implementation of a first-of-its-kind assessment scheme - the Growing Greener pledge - which has analysed the core sustainability components of a shopping mall and flagged areas for improvement The scheme has achieved 4 253 000 kWh savings in energy use (and financial...
Best practices
How to find which part of HVAC should be retrofitted
Diagnosis of a building can help designers and architects to decide which aspects should be retrofitted in order to improve the energy efficiency of the heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) system. The most important aspects to watch out for and recommended actions are: Duct leakage and...
Best practices
Organisational activities for efficient lighting
If lighting in a shop or warehouse uses over 12 kW/m2 of power, there is a high likelihood that savings can be made. Firstly, it is important to monitor energy consumption for lighting to find out which elements of the system are consuming the most. Find solutions to rectify the problem, whether it...
Best practices
EPC Energy performance contracting - financing energy efficiency projects
Companies planning to retrofit their building or to implement an energy efficiency project can often face difficulties in terms of the most effective solution to measure energy performance and guage the benefits of the project. Energy Performance Contracting (EPC) is a tailored solution for...
Best practices
Energy management in retail
The biggest savings in retail and wholesale can be made in areas where the energy consumption is highest, such as in lighting, heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration. In each of these main areas, there are clear opportunities to save energy: Switching off: all energy consuming...