David Fernández Terreros, Clusters Coordination and Research Unit, SPRI - Basque Country Business Development Agency about the JOINT ROMANIAN – HUNGARIAN INTERNATIONAL CLUSTER CONFERENCE 2018:
It was a great pleasure and honour to speak at the Joint Romanian – Hungarian Cluster Conference 2018 and to share with an engaged audience the Basque experience on cluster development, convergence and integration, a hot topic across Europe.
Brilliantly organized by the Hungarian Min. of Finance, @Peter Keller, and the Romanian Cluster Association, Daniel Cosnita, it featured lively panels on topics such as cluster models, their contribution to regional development, the role of universities, traditional clusters’ potential or digitalisation; moderated by Gál Körmendy, IKOSZ; Lucia Seel, cluster expert; Simone Hagenauer, Ecoplus; Vuillermoz Patrick, PLASTIPOLIS; Christoph Matthias Reiss-Schmidt, Business Upper Austria; Marius V. Niculae, DTP; Zoltan Bendo, Tenderix and Gabriela Pirvu, Romanian Min. of Economy. Annalisa Tessarolo, DG Grow, outlined the EU cluster strategy.
We discussed with, among others, Prof. Paul Svasta, the crucial challenge of solving the talent gap in the manufacturing industry, allegedly a common European concern and a threat to industrial modernisation. Could this be a target for a joint action in the framework of European cluster policy?
My sincere appreciation to the Government of Hungary for its kind invitation to participate in this Cluster conference.