2nd DIVA Open Call
The 2nd Open Call DIVA brings a strong support in helping SME’s at building and carried out the collaborative projects they need to develop the new value chain offerings in agrofood, forestal and enviroment productive sectors. The objective is to build a new digitech value chain that will be demonstrated in real environments and that will begin its internationalization.
This is the second of two calls foreseen by project DIVA. It is opened since November 26th and will close on January 31st at 17 CET.
In line with the process described, DIVA thus is able to deliver a full set of types of vouchers through competitive calls structure in three different instruments:
Maturation Instrument
- Business maturation voucher: aims at funding activities to mature a business model supported by innovative products, processes, services and technologies related to digitalisation of Agrofood, environmental or forestry sector.
- Technology maturation voucher: aims at funding activities to produce plans and arrangements or design for new, altered or improved products, processes or services, including prototyping or testing, and bringing them from a TRL 4-5 to a TRL 5-6. R&D activities may be included.
- For this instrument the financial contribution is EUR 10,000 for one SME.
Demonstration Instrument
- Small scale demonstration voucher: aims at funding activities to validate the technical and economic viability of a new or improved product, process, service, solution or technology in an operational (or near to operational) environment and bring them from TRL 5 to TRL 7. Activities and consortium can address part of a value chain.
- Large scale demonstration voucher: aims at funding the same activities than above but from a higher starting technology readiness level, bringing them from TRL 5 to TRL 7. Activities and consortiums should address and demonstrate a whole complete value chain.
- For this instrument, the financial contribution is between EUR 25 000 and EUR 60 000 for a consortium of min two SMEs
Internationalization Instrument
- Internationalization voucher: aims at funding activities to foster internationalization of a group of SMEs with a demonstrated value chain, aiming at catalysing their development, facilitating access to an international network of high-level consultants and experts, enabling SMEs to rapidly improve their value proposition thus ensuring their long-term success at an international level.
- For this instrument, the financial contribution is EUR 30 000 for a consortium of min 2 SMEs.
Please find more information in the DIVA Guide for Applicants avalaible on www.projectdiva.eu