5E Contest: Power up your innovation in Electronics!

Submitted by Serena Zerbinati on 25 February 2021

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Finally here we are! After several anticipations, we are pleased to invite all electronics innovators to participate in the 5E Contest!

The contest is organised in the framework of the 5E project and wants to celebrate the importance and excellence of electronics products in Europe by rewarding in particular the best products in the fields of Nanoelectronics (NE), Flexible, Organic and Printed Electronics (FOPE) and Electronic Smart Systems (ESS).


To submit your product, simply fill in the form available here by 20 March 2021.

The 5E Contest is free and open to: Start-ups, SMEs, GIs, universities, research centres, consortia of projects funded under regional, national and European funding, individual innovators.
We invite all innovators in the NE, FOPE and ESS electronics areas to participate!


  1.  Electronics products:
     Best electronics product developed by an interested party such as an enterprise, RTO, individual, etc.
  2. Fundend projects results:
     Best electronics product developed in the framework of a funded project at regional, national or EU level.
  3. Best product convergence among the Electronics Areas:
     This is a special category designed to promote convergence between systems, participation will be automatic for every participant who flags two or more electronics areas in the application.

The 3 winners will be awarded during the Smart Systems Integration Conference 2021, 27-29 April 2021, and will be able to present their innovation on this occasion, benefiting from support and public recognition, as well as numerous prizes designed specifically for the 3 winners.

All candidate products will be included in the 5E project’s Digital Showcase and will enjoy long-term visibility.

Visit the dedicated website for more information and to apply! <

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