Submitted by Josep Casamada on 24 May 2021


AEI TÈXTILS, the Catalan Advanced Textile Materials’ Cluster, has just started a new project to support internationalization of its members. The project, ADMANTEX2i - Advanced Manufacturing and Advanced Textile Materials going international to strengthen resilience and to empower industrial recovery , coordinated by the cluster, is funded by the COSME program from the European Commission under the Cluster Go International call. It started with its kick off meeting held virtually on May 20th 2021 and has a duration of 3 years.

ADMANTEX2i main objective is to lead international cluster cooperation in advanced manufacturing and advanced textile materials as an enabler for globally competitive sustainable functional products in a broad range of high-end applications.

The project strategic cooperation vision is that digitalization is key enabler for both sectors to boost circular economy business solutions to strengthen resilience and to drive the recovery growth and the economic opportunities of European SMEs.

Besides AEI Tèxtils, the ADMANTEX2i partnership integrates five additional clusters: ATEVAL in Valencia, The Portuguese Textile Cluster (CITEVE) and PRODUCTECH in Portugal, EMC2 in France, and AFIL in Italy.

ADMANTEX2i will organize three business missions to United States, Asia and either Canada or Australia. During the first year of the project, the six clusters will work with their members to narrow down the market specifics and timing to increase the success and the impact for the companies.

ADMANTEX2i will provide a set of comprehensive support package to the SMEs members of the clusters, participating in the international missions, including coaching, agenda development, travel grant and support and technical assistance to capitalize the internationalization efforts.

AEI Tèxtils considers this project as a cornerstone for the long-term innovation capacity of the advanced textile materials’ sector. ADMANTEX2i builds upon the other two strategic projects coordinated by the cluster (GALACTICA and CLAMTEX).

GALACTICA aims to support the creation of new industrial value chains around textile and aerospace based on advanced manufacturing with diverse mechanisms including 3M€ financial support through two open calls for proposals, hackathons and travel grants.

CLAMTEX aims to strengthen cluster management excellence to boost the specialized technical textile innovation eco-system by promoting the cross-sectoral and cross-regional collaboration to facilitate the uptake of digitalization within and beyond the partnership.

ADMANTEX2i provides the continuity towards internationalization and the uptake of previous results on supporting its members in promoting cross-sectoral collaboration with advanced manufacturing and the digitalization of the textile sector.

Clusters act as a hub and as a collaborative environment to facilitate partnership between companies, research institutes, policy makers and other institutions that promote innovation and provide SMEs access to new knowledge competencies, resources and markets.

AEI TÈXTILS and its members’ testimonial:

Cluster organisation
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