AEI Tèxtils meets CLEANTEX consortium in Athens, a project to foster ecodesign and circular economy in the advanced textile materials sector
On 28th June, the second transnational meeting of the Erasmus+ co-funded project CLEANTEX - Clean and Innovative Textiles Strategy for Circular Economy was held in Athens.
AEI Tèxtils participates in the project as a partner to provide the Catalan advanced textiles’ industry with innovative resources on circular economy and eco-design.
The meeting focused on the review of the project Intellectual Outputs. The first one (IO1), is the design of a virtual and open training program that will produce educational content about eco-design and circular economy implementation for students and companies. The consortium is working to define the content, the structure, and the evaluation of the education materials.
The other Intellectual Outputs are the development of an industrial clean textiles bootcamp training, a life cycle assessment and eco-design e-book and a training summer course.
The project is aligned with AEI Tèxtils’ strategy, by promoting tools and providing knowledge to its members to foster the green transition.