Submitted by Josep Casamada on 19 March 2021

tex4im webinar

AEI Tèxtils, the Catalan cluster of advanced textile materials, participated in the webinar "Opportunities for SMEs", on March 16th.

This webinar was part of the matchmaking organized by TEX4IM (March 10th to 17th), in parallel to the Modtissimo fair, which usually takes place in Porto and this year was held in virtual format from March 10th to 12th.

Josep Casamada, Projects’ Responsible at AEI Tèxtils, presented GALACTICA, led by the cluster. The project aims to support the creation of new industrial value chains in the textile and aeronautical/aerospace sectors based on advanced manufacturing. Josep presented the first call for proposals of the project, which opened on March 16th and has a budget of 1.2 million euros to support SMEs.

AEI Tèxtils, with the aim of strengthening ties with its international partners, signed, at the beginning of 2020, a collaboration agreement with the TEX4IM project, a sectoral grouping for strategic investment towards the smart specialization in Europe, led by NTT.

AEI Tèxtils and the testimonial of its members:

Cluster organisation
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