AI4Cities Request for Tenders is now launched
AI4Cities is an H2020 Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) looking for Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions to accelerate carbon neutrality.
Six cities and regions are involved in the project: Amsterdam (Netherlands), Copenhagen (Denmark), Helsinki (Finland), Île-de-France/Paris region (France), Stavanger (Norway) and Tallin (Estonia). These public authorities have developed ambitious strategies and policy plans to become carbon neutral by -at latest- 2050.
AI4Cities aims to help accelerate the transition to carbon neutrality by utilising artificial intelligence and related enabling technologies – such as big data applications, 5G, edge computing and IoT – to find innovative solutions contributing to the reduction of CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions.
The PCP will be split in three phases, a solution design phase (Phase 1), a prototyping phase (Phase 2) and a piloting phase (Phase 3).
The project could bring up to €360K to organisations to develo an innovative solution addressing cities’ challenge. Tenderers’ offers will be evaluated by the Buyers Group composed of the members of the six cities and regions.