B2B event, 12-13 December 2018, Skopje, FYR Macedonia
We are glad to announce and invite you to attend the first B2B event in the framework of Green Ict deVElopment (GIVE) project. The event will be day and a half and will be attended by cluster managers, company representatives and organizations coming from the 3 sectors: smart green technologies, automotive and ICT sector.
During the event, GIVE project partners will present reports and findings of the 3 focused groups meeting, where 3 different types of analysis were undertaken:
• Implementation on cross – industry collaboration, GIVE partners defined possible technological niches of cross-industry collaboration, new products, services and innovation processes;
• barriers of SME internationalization;
• internationalization potential and identification of third markets;
The event will be held in Hotel TCC Grand Plaza, Skopje, FYR Macedonia on 12-13th of December 2018, where SMEs and clusters from the field of smart green technologies, automotive and ICT sector will have chance to meet face to face, and discuss present activities, products, services, joint projects, partnerships, exchange of experience and market information. The event will have regional aspect where companies coming from the three sectors, are part of the following countries: Bulgaria, Albania, Serbia, Romania, FRY Macedonia and Latvia will be present
As part of the GIVE B2B event there will be open and closed program. The closed program, Design thinking workshop for joint venture in international partnerships will take part only on the second day of the event, 13th of December 2018.The closed workshop will be parallel session during the event which will last from 10:00-14:00 o’clock, targeting the representatives from the companies which are already have significant experience and are working on exciting project, solutions and products as a result of collaboration between ICT, Automotive and Green-tech sector. All interested participants will be required to see, read and sign three important documents to set up the trust among potential partners (NDA, COH, CIP) in order to take part of the closed workshop.
If you are interested to participate in GIVE B2B event please register here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSekfsprKDnPor53P4l4B90javenbKOvmyqWao9pJ3jesRa1Bw/viewformv