BBS ICT Network annual meeting to take place in Budva, Montenegro
During 28-30 September 2016 representatives of ICT Clusters from the Balkan and Black Sea macro-region will be gathering in Budva, Montenegro for the Balkan and Black Sea ICT Clusters Network annual meeting. The event will incorporate discussion topics focused on network results and outcomes reached during this year’s activities, as well as exploring future perspectives and collaboration opportunities within the macro-region. A particular focus will be placed in identifying areas of deepening cooperation in areas such as smart agriculture and transportation, while another topic on the meeting's agenda is the admission of new members from Ukraine, Republic of Moldova and Macedonia.
The annual meeting of the BBS ICT Network is connected to the InfoFest 2016 ( and included in the official program of the event.
The Balkan and Black Sea ICT Clusters Network activity for 2016 runs under the coordination of Cluj IT Cluster.
More about the network available under:…