BIM: a revolution for the construction sector?

Submitted by Francesc Ribera on 02 March 2021


Forty professionals linked to the energy efficiency sector on both sides of the Pyrenees have met this Tuesday, March 2, 2021 to share their experiences and points of view on the topic "BIM: a revolution for construction?". This third study day has been organized by the Catalonia Energy Efficiency Cluster (CEEC) and the Pôle de Compétitivité DERBI within the framework of the EDIFICAT project, co-financed by the ERDF through the Interreg POCTEFA cross-border cooperation program, Spain / France / Andorra.

The seminar is part of the activities of the EDIFICAT project, where the Girona City Council (coordinator) and Perpignan Méditerranée Métropole are also partners, and whose main objective is to establish a territorial context favorable to the reorientation of the construction sector towards a more lasting activity and quality, through the creation of an informal cluster.

The consortium has identified opportunities to improve energy efficiency in the construction sector and will be addressed during the six study days planned during the project through the following topics: photovoltaic self-consumption, thermal renewable energy, digital models (BIM), islands of urban heat, Smart Buildings and high performance materials.

In this third day of study, Bernard Hierro, from the École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Toulouse, shared his knowledge about the evolution of BIM in France and Occitania, followed by Fernando Bermejo Nualart, technical director of the Institute of Technology and Management of Catalonia, which has carried out a contextualization of BIM in Catalonia.

The session continued with a round table, with the presentation of the lessons learned and Catalan and French success stories. Àlex Maymo, head of digital innovation and smart data at Soler & Palau, raised the topic "BIM and air conditioning", after which Anna Mañas from the Rockwool company introduced the topic "BIM and building insulation". On the French side, Eduardo Serodio, Izuba Energías energy engineer, spoke with Pléiades about energy and environmental optimization of buildings, as well as Philippe Alamy, Enerbim associate director, about BIM applied to integrated photovoltaic solar.

Finally, Francesc Ribera, director of the CEEC, has concluded the seminar by presenting the next study day, scheduled for May 4, 2021 through a webinar, which will focus on the topic of urban heat islands, as well as the The next two, which will be organized in autumn 2021 on the topics of Smart Building and high-performance materials, during fairs and face-to-face events in Barcelona.

Cluster organisation
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