BioVale forms Special Interest Group on Anaerobic Digestion (AD)
BioVale has formed a Special Interest Group (SIG) to serve those with an interest in anaerobic digestion (AD) in the Yorkshire and Humber area.Join this group to:
- Make valuable local contacts.
- Share best practice.
- Develop your knowledge in specialist areas.
- Discuss important local developments and issues.
- Help promote regional expertise and assets.
Yorkshire and the Humber’s thriving AD sector:
- Has a wealth of specialist knowledge amongst operators, consultants and technologists.
- Includes world-class AD scientists and research scale-up facilities.
- Showcases the latest AD technology in state-of-the art AD plants.
- Uses waste streams from the UK’s largest concentration of food and drink companies and from over 11,000 regional agricultural, forestry and fishery enterprises.
Joining BioVale’s Special Interest Group will connect you to this important regional sector. Membership is suitable for AD operators, engineers, technologists, scientists, consultants, waste managers, waste producers, livestock farmers, regulators and business service providers.
Events planned for 2016 include:
Breakfast with the AD experts, 6th April Dunnington. registration open
Making the most of digestate, 17th June, Driffield.
Optimising your AD plant, 25th November, Sherburn.
Cluster organisation