C-Voucher - Regional Camps for challenges definition (circular economy for European SMEs)
Circularize Value Chains across European Regional Innovation Strategies
Regional Camps
C-VoUCHER is an EU funded project that combines design and technology in order to help SMEs take part in Circular Economy. The goal is to develop new, cross-sectorial value chains across the EU by supporting SMEs on the move away from linear value chains (cradle to waste) towards circular models (cradle to cradle). In this project, we work with European clusters from Denmark, Sweden, Poland, France, Spain and Romania within the following five industries: manufacturing, agro-food, health, textile and maritime industries
In order to get to know the challenges SMEs meet when it comes to sustainability and circularity, each of the clusters will organize two industry-specific “camps”. The first group of camps will be held in June and July 2018 (see dates and locations below) and they will use a workshop-style approach to get input from SMEs about their views on the challenges and barriers they face in adopting circular models.
Calendar for C-VoUCHER Regional Camps, Summer 2018
June 11th: Tillväxtverket, Stockholm, Sweden
(Contact: Johanna Giorgi at Johanna.Giorgi [at] tillvaxtverket.se (Johanna[dot]Giorgi[at]tillvaxtverket[dot]se) or Christina Nyström at Christina.Nystrom [at] tillvaxtverket.se (Christina[dot]Nystrom[at]tillvaxtverket[dot]se))
June 12th: Lifestyle & Design Cluster, Herning, Denmark
(Contact: Henrik Nørgaard at henrik [at] ldcluster.com (henrik[at]ldcluster[dot]com))
June 14th: Trekantsområdet, Kolding, Denmark
(Contact: Ditte Rønde Veise at ditve [at] trekantomraadet.dk (ditve[at]trekantomraadet[dot]dk))
June 20th: Agencja Rozwoju Mazowsza Spolka Akcyjna, Warsaw, Poland
(Contact: Sławomir Pyciński at s.pycinski [at] armsa.pl (s[dot]pycinski[at]armsa[dot]pl))
July 5th or 6th: Systematic Paris Region, Paris, France
(Contact: Isabelle de Sutter at isabelle.desutter [at] systematic-paris-region.org (isabelle[dot]desutter[at]systematic-paris-region[dot]org))
July 6th: Agentia de Dezvoltare Regionala Nord-Vest, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
(Contact: Ioana Dragos at ioana.dragos [at] nord-vest.ro (ioana[dot]dragos[at]nord-vest[dot]ro))
TBD: Axencia Galega de Innovación, Santiago de Compostela, Spain
(Manuel María Paris Lestón at manuel.maria.paris.leston [at] xunta.gal (manuel[dot]maria[dot]paris[dot]leston[at]xunta[dot]gal))
An EU joint Challenge Event will be held in the week of September 3 - 7. The exact date, time and place will be communicated before the end of June.
For more information on the C-VoUCHER Regional Camps, please contact Amanda Koppel at akoppel [at] made.dk (akoppel[at]made[dot]dk) or one of the abovementioned partners in the relevant region.
C-VoUCHER has received funding from the European Union Horizon2020 (2014-2020) under grant agreement no 777773