Cancelled due to Corona virus: Invitation to the DIGI-B-CUBE event: Blockchain & Distributed Ledger Innovations for eHealth

Submitted by Tamara Högler on 07 February 2020

CANCELLED DUE TO CORONA! We will inform you about alternatives as soon as we organise them...



The next DIGI-B-CUBE event is approaching: Blockchain & Distributed Ledger Innovations for eHealth

When? 23rd & 24th April 2020, 09.30 to 16.00 hrs
Where? Elisabeth Lampes hus, Oslo Metropolitan University, Oslo, Norway 

Oslo Cancer Cluster, together with the co-organisers, invites you to the 5th Edition of ‘Blockchain & Distributed Ledger Innovations for eHealth’. Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT) in general, alongside Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things, are increasingly recognized as transformational technologies for the Health sector. This event provides an introduction about DLTs and new landscape of opportunities for eHealth cross-silo data exchanges, connected care, and GDPR among others.

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can apply for ‘Travel Vouchers’ offered by DIGI-B-CUBE project to cover the travel expenses.

Oriented to

  • eHealth researchers or innovators, biopharma or IT companies who recognize the need to stay ahead of this new wave of digital innovation.
  • Decision makers from public or private sector who want to cut through the hype, assess the potential and state of maturity of DLTs and determine how to position the eHealth ecosystem.
  • Those interested in accessing the rationale for exploring the potential of new exponential technologies such as Blockchain and Internet of Things across the whole Healthcare system.


23rd April 2020
  09:30–10:00 Welcome and Introduction
Gupta Udatha, Director, Oslo Cancer Cluster
Knowledge Session 10:00–12:00 Two keynote presentations 
By experts from academia and industry,
providing general background knowledge and technology updates
  12:00–13:00 Lunch Break
Innovation Session 13:00–16:00 Three industrial presentations
By experts from industry,
showcasing the cross-sectoral innovations and use-cases
24th April 2020
  09:30–10:00 Welcome and Introduction
By Pavan Kumar Sriram, Senior Project Manager, DigitalNorway
Research Session 10:00–12:30

Three academic presentations 
By researchers and academic groups,
providing recent advances in R&D and project studies

  12:30–13:30 Lunch Break
Networking Session 13:30–16:00 Matchmaking for cross-sectoral collaboration
Presentations from other clusters on innovation support projects.

Networking, pitching ideas/challenges for funding applications


This event is FREE to attend. You can register by completing the form here.
No-show policy: Please note that we will charge a fee of €500 for no-show.

Register for this event


Travel Support for SMEs

DIGI-B-CUBE project offers travel vouchers to Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) for attending this event. Travel vouchers (each up to €2000) will be awarded on a first-come first-served basis and depend on the travel voucher budget allocated/available. More information about the Travel Vouchers can be found here.

If you are an SME & wish to apply for Travel Support If you are not an SME (or) not applying for Travel Support
1. Register to this event at:
1. Register to the DIGI-B-CUBE workshop through matchmaking platform
2. Submit application for travel voucher to cover the travel expenses
2. You will receive an email from us that contains a code that will allow you to obtain €100 discount on the conference fee to attend EHiN 2019
3. You will receive an email from us with a decision and the expenses will be reimbursed after the event. For more info:
Cluster organisation
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