Capability finder tool for clusters

Submitted by Francesco G.G. Zingales on 05 December 2017

LAZIO CONNECT has recently implemented a new IT based tool aimed at helping the Cluster Manager know which companies relate to specific technological or product/service capabilities. As Cluster Managers we are often asked by other Clusters or companies for partners in specific fields of knowledge. We are also asked by our regional agencies to map the capability landscape in our cluster for presenting these at events or for deciding whether or not to cooperate more closely with another Region. For Cluster Managers that have to deal with a large number of companies this task can prove difficult, most of all, we are never sure that our answer is exhaustive or up-to-date. The tool used by LAZIO CONNECT allows us to find them easily and call them up with business-relevant proposals. The mapping tool that we use is based on a technology that has been developed for digital marketing intelligence. It searches websites to find a specific list of keywords, generating a report that give a very synthetic view of how a company matches the key words of interest. The report  also lists companies as a function of the number of key word 'hits' and provides a suggested priority list of relevance.

Cluster organisation
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