The catalan technical textiles and packaging clusters lead a project on circular economy
AEI Tèxtils, the technical textiles cluster in Catalonia and the Packaging cluster, have launched together the PACTEX project (cofunded by the Waste Agency of Catalonia).
The project aims to establish synergies between the companies of both clusters and to foster among them the effective use of material resources by reducing industrial waste at source, reuse of products, improved recyclability and waste recovery.
LEITAT Technological Center collaborates in the project, which has five work packages. First, a study will be done in order to determine the nature and amount of resources used and the waste generated by the two sectors. This study will be used to define proposals for improvement, innovative measures (technological and not technological), collaboration actions, etc. The proposals will be evaluated on a technical, economic and environmental level, to ensure their viability and the reduction of environmental impacts.
Some of the companies in both clusters will participate in demonstration actions to validate the innovative measures proposed.
The results of the project will be included in a guide that will serve as a reference tool for companies in both sectors wishing to apply the model of industrial symbiosis to foster the transition towards a circular economy.
Contact for further information:
Ariadna Detrell (adetrell [at] (subject: Query%20about%20PACTEX%20project) (adetrell[at]textils[dot]cat))
Cluster Manager