CELIS Challenge: are you up to it?

Submitted by Annalisa Zuccotti on 19 April 2021

CELIS - Call for Solutions - SM

In order to facilitate (international) SME interaction with academia and other SMEs, BioRN is launching a “Call for Solutions” to the 5 Challenges selected from SMEs in the Rhine-Neckar Region (https://a32120fe-84d9-4222-b461-8f8b783e47d7.filesusr.com/ugd/39b448_50…).
Are you up to it?
If your technology, platform, or process could solve one of these Challenges, submit your solution until 21 May to partner with them during the CELISXchange WEEK (save-the-date: 28 June- 2 July 2021).

The Process:
1. Call for Challenges - completed
2. Selection of CELIS Challenges - completed
3. Call for solutions – Accept the CELIS Challenge and apply with your solution!
4. Partnering – If your solution is fitting, you can then meet the SME proposing the Challenge, in one-on-one meetings, during the CELISXchange WEEK (28 June- 2 July 2021).

The Guidelines:
Your solution has to solve one of the selected Challenges. Explain your solution as concisely as possible (non-confidential), by using the simple template attached. Please send your solution informally by email until 21. May 2021 to Friedemann Loos fl@biorn.org .

About CELIS project
CELIS combine some of the world-class life science ecosystems in Europe, where cross-sectoral fertilisation has given rise to promising new technologies and products, resulting in new value chains. The project builds on the existing Health Axis Europe Alliance, with the aim to professionalise and expand this inter-regional cooperation and increase its impact, especially for SMEs among their members. https://www.health-axis.eu/celis

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