Cluster Go International: EU Commission launches 24 European Strategic Cluster Partnerships
Athens, 22nd March 2016: The Meta-Cluster SPACE2ID in which Corallia participates representing the Greek si-Cluster, has been awarded the label of "European Strategic Cluster Partnership – Going International" by the DG GROWTH Director-General Lowri Evans during EU's launch event for the establishment of "European Strategic Cluster Partnerships - Going International" (ESCP-4i) following the COSME call for proposals "Cluster Go International".
In total, 24 Cluster Partnerships were represented at the event and have been awarded the label of "European Strategic Cluster Partnership – Going International" which commits the partners of each partnership to work on a joint cooperation agenda with the aim to support the internationalisation of their SME members towards third countries beyond Europe and thereby, of which the main ones include Brazil, China, India, Japan and USA, to contribute to the European Commission's objectives to boost growth, jobs and investment in Europe. Overall, this initiative encourages clusters in Europe to develop a 'European' strategic vision and work concretely together by sharing resources and pooling knowledge to target international markets jointly more efficiently for the benefit of their SME members.
All together, the "ESCP-4i" Cluster Partnerships gather about 140 cluster organisations across 23 European countries active in various industrial and cross-sectoral areas including health, aerospace, mobility and logistics, food, energy, marine and environment, materials, photonics, ICT, micro/nano-electronics, rail, construction and sports. Together, they represent a potential to support more than 17,000 European SMEs in accessing global value chains and taking a leading position globally.
You can read the full announcement in Greek here.