On January 29, part of the industrial demonstration tests of the MIDWOR-LIFE project were carried out in the finishing company Hidrocolor. The company collaborates together with 5 other finishing textile companies from Spain, Italy and Czech Republic who will validate safer and environmentally-friendlier DWORs in the frame of the project.
AEI Tèxtils, the Catalan technical textiles cluster from which Hidrocolor is member, coordinated the industrial demonstration with the company. Experts from LEITAT (responsible for characterization of treated textiles and to assess the impact on health and safety) participated in the tests collecting data for the assessment of exposure, health and environmental impact.
During the industrial scale tests, the experts measured process parameters and took samples which will facilitate the risk assessment, the environmental and life cycle analysis and the technical properties of the treated fabrics.
The validation includes the comparative of alternative DWORs against conventional in order to obtain concluding evidences of the technical feasibility, reduced risk and lower environmental impact.
Hidrocolor, as a company committed to the environment, provided its facilities for the industrial applications of a conventional product and two alternatives, selected within the framework of the project.
MIDWOR-LIFE is a European project, co-funded by the European Union under the LIFE+ Financial Instrument within the axe Environment Policy and Governance and under the Grant Agreement n. LIFE14 ENV/ES/000670.
AEI TÈXTILS, a non-profit organization representing the Catalan technical textiles cluster is the coordinator of the project. The consortium is completed by another 5 partners: 3 research institutes/technological centers from Spain: LEITAT Technological Center, CETIM and the Institute of Advanced Chemistry of Catalonia from CSIC plus 2 technical textile clusters, CS-POINTEX from Italy and CLUTEX from the Czech Republic.
MIDWOR-LIFE project is an example of collaboration between clusters, with the aim to improve competitiveness of their members, SMEs in the technical textiles sector.