Cool Carbon Concrete: Successful kick-off workshop brings together many interested parties

Submitted by Stephanie Uhlig on 07 December 2017

The Cool Silicon e. V. invited on 30.11. 2017 for the first workshop and kick-off of the new funding project "CoolCarbonConcrete" (CCC) to Dresden. The background is the successful application of Cool Silicon e. V. for an Innovation Forum, a funding instrument of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research to explore new fields of innovation. The funding initiative "Innovationsforen Mittelstand" encourages stakeholders from industry and science to break the boundaries of institutions and sectors together. Thus, the "Innovationsforum Mittelstand" act as an initial spark for new alliances. The project started on the 1st of October. 

The kick-off workshop was attended by the project team of Cool Silicon e. V. a total of 15 representatives of very different fields participate, for example, from the construction industry, electronics development and software research. 

CCC offers the participating R & D and SME partners the opportunity to develop the new interdisciplinary and innovative field of "Electrical and Electronic Integration in Carbon Concrete Construction" and to find new partners and cooperations in the other branches. In this way, both existing ideas and research results should be put into practice in the sense of innovative, marketable products and, in addition, new ideas and research areas should be uncovered. The CCC aims to directly support current trends in SmartCity, Industry4.0, Autonomous Driving and related topics. 

 This first joint meeting was mainly connected with the goal of presenting the project, bringing the various stakeholders together for the first time, catching up with their expectations and, last but not least, initiating a first technical exchange. For this purpose, the two topics "telecommunications technology" and "sensor technology and structural monitoring" were discussed in the so-called "World Café" format. Already here showed the great potential of the topic and the high motivation of the participants. Over the different fields of application (eg in carriageways, in the flat, in bridges etc.) the participants quickly came to concrete, already existing application examples and exchanged themselves over challenges eg from technological point of view. 

 Missing partners and competences were also identified and named. In addition, there were interesting keynote lectures by Matthias Tietze / Carbon Concrete Composite e. V. , Robert Richter / TU Dresden- Information Technology for Traffic Systems and Richard Kupke / Suragus GmbH , which provided an excellent introduction to the topic and provided stimulating discussions. 

The project team will now work on the results of the first promising workshop and design a second workshop. In order to provide the participants and interested parties with further information and to enable mutual exchange, the digital information and knowledge platform " " is made available. 

About CoolCarbonConcrete (CCC)

The project aims to explore cooperation potential and project ideas for the integration of micro- and nanoelectronics (eg sensors) in carbon concrete and to highlight new functionalities. The identification and networking of the relevant actors in the innovation field "Electrical and Electronic Integration in Carbon Concrete" is intended to promote and facilitate the linking of the two sectors of micro / nanotechnology and construction. In addition to the market and technology analysis, the project team will, among other things, carry out several workshops in order to elucidate the possibilities of integration and to work out a general and exemplary value-added chain. The final task will be the conception and implementation of an innovation forum, which will introduce the participants to the potential of the innovation field CCC and enable the exchange of the actors in the sense of future cooperation. In particular, the cooperation with the network C3-Cool Carbon Composites plays an important role and should be intensified in this context. 

If you are interested (eg SMEs, networks, clusters, research institutes or other interested parties) you are welcome to contact us.


Stefan Uhlig / Senior Project Manager
Tel. +49 351 8925 802
E-Mail: stefan.uhlig [at] (stefan[dot]uhlig[at]cool-silicon[dot]de)  

Further informationen: 
Carbon Concrete Composite e. V.

Cluster organisation
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